Sesi #1 Kupas Tuntas Buku The 5.0 Leader
Sesi #1 Kupas Tuntas Buku The 5.0 Leader1:48:43
Sesi 2 “Managing Millennial” How to Become an Inspiring Leader
Sesi 2 “Managing Millennial” How to Become an Inspiring Leader1:31:04
Sesi 3 “Managing Millennial” How to Motivating Team
Sesi 3 “Managing Millennial” How to Motivating Team00:00:00
Sesi 4 “Managing Millennial” Servant Leadership
Sesi 4 “Managing Millennial” Servant Leadership00:00:00
Sesi 5 “Managing Millennial” Leader as a Coach
Sesi 5 “Managing Millennial” Leader as a Coach00:00:00
Sesi 6 “Managing Millennial” Lead The Leader
Sesi 6 “Managing Millennial” Lead The Leader00:00:00
Pengantar HRM 4 0 Mastery
Pengantar HRM 4 0 Mastery00:00:00
Sesi Bonus : Membangun Employee Engagement
Sesi Bonus : Membangun Employee Engagement00:00:00